Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Read-aloud through March - Day 1

Last year I edited the same post to maintain our reads. This year, however, I'll write one post everyday telling you what we read. 

So here we start......

Today we read मुखवटे(Masks), मोठी शाला(big school) by Madhuri Purandare. These are two of the six books from Yash series by the author. The series is about different experiences of a preschooler Yash. The author has captured the feelings of a preschooler wonderfully   Kids of that age connect with the stories as these are incidents that happen with them or around them everyday. The illustrations also done by the author are simple yet effective. The books are originally written in Marathi but I recently found English version and we loved that too. We love these books so much that whenever I ask what should I gift your friend, यशची बुक्स (Yash books) is Kuhu's response. Here is Kuhu showing today's reads -

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